Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Writing

I created this blog a long long time ago, but I have never been brave enough to write anything.  I have this fear of people reading what I write.  When I used to major in journalism I don't believe I let a single one of my friends read what I wrote.  Honestly, I thought I wrote really well and the teachers always gave me good feedback and I received good grades.  Even with all of that greatness I do not like people reading what I write.  Obviously a good reason for me to get out of journalism.  Now I am a TV major.  Stupid thing is I have to write scripts.  I don't like people reading my writing!  I also realized I don't like people knowing anything about any of my work.  I feel like everyone is judging me and I am completely inadequate.  Going to an art school makes me feel bad about myself because everyone is so focused on their craft and has big dreams and aspirations.  As for me...I just want to learn.  Everyone here has been doing these things for years.  Me...I barely know the beginning steps.  Sometimes I feel stupid and uncomfortable and I truly fear the day one of my friends sees my work.  So here I am, finally starting my blog.  I hope to keep up with it.  I don't expect anyone to read it.  I'll probably not even put my name.  But at least I have a place to put my thoughts and maybe some random person will read it.